2023 Summer Sale
Posted by Mei Mei Shih on
1) 陳列室現貨買一送一;陳列產品一折**。
2) 網上設立買一送一*專區,讓你可足不出戶參與減價活動。
3) 所有於陳列室購物的客戶,只需LIKE & FOLLOW ME100FUN Facebook專頁,便可免費獲得禮物一份。
4) VIP會員於陳列室購物滿$100便可獲免費禮物,過百款禮物任揀,多買多送!
*買一送一活動與網店同步進行,詳情可到專區瀏覽:https://www.me100fun.com.hk/collections/buy-one-get-one-free, 貨品詳情以網頁為準。
☑我們的地址: 葵涌葵昌路58-70號永祥工業大廈14樓B8室 (葵興地鐡站對面)
☑開倉減價期間之營業時間:星期一至五10:00-18:30 (星期六日及公眾假期休息)
☎詳情請致電:29740008或WHATSAPP至 96652733
2023 Summer Sale 18/7-31/8
1) Buy one get one free in the showroom; 90% off on display products**.
2) We have a buy one get one free* categories online , so that you can participate in price reduction activities without leaving your home.
3) All customers who shop at the showroom, just LIKE & FOLLOW ME100FUN Facebook page, can get a gift for free.
4) VIP members can get a free gift when they spend $100 or more in the showroom. There are hundreds of gifts to choose from, buy more and get more!
If there are too many people visit at the same time, you may need to arrange to wait outside the door. You can WhatsApp to 96652733 one day in advance to make an appointment for a visit without waiting.
*Buy one get one free activity is carried out simultaneously with the online store. For details, please visit the dedicated area: https://www.me100fun.com.hk/collections/buy-one-get-one-free. For product details, please refer to the website.
**The discount is only applicable to the selected spot products in the showroom, not including pre-order products.
There are thousands of products for you to choose from, and no stock will be reserved during the price reduction period. Please check with the showroom staff for details.
☑ Payment method: Cash, PAYME, WECHAT, FPS, ALIPAY
☑Our address: Room B8, 14th Floor, Wing Cheong Industrial Building, 58-70 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung (opposite to Kwai Hing Metro Station)
☑Business hours during the price reduction period: Monday to Friday 10:00-18:30 (closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
☎For details, please call: 29740008 or WHATSAPP to 96652733
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