Go to Press!™ A Grammar Game
Capture the excitement of a big-city newspaper while reinforcing your child's grammar skills.
This unique proofreading game focuses on spelling, word usage, capitalization and punctuation.
Players try to create a complete newspaper by moving from department to department finding and correcting errors in the headlines.
The first player to return to the boss office and say, Go to press wins. G
ame cards are self-checking with language rules printed at the bottom of each card. For 2 to 6 players.
- The National Parenting Publications Awards-Gold Award Winner (2006)
- Creative Child Magazine 2006 Award Winner
- iParenting Media Award Winner/Hot Award Winner (2006)
- Great American Toy Test Winner (2006)
- Teachers' Choice Award for the Faimily Lerning Magazine (2006)
- Awards for Design:
- American Graphic Design Awards