STEAM DIY - Pulley Dynamometer

  • HK$48.00
    單價 每 
內含稅金。 結帳時計算運費


STEAM DIY系列-滑輪組測力器


  • 定滑輪 : 軸的位置固定不動, 可改變力的方向, 不能省力。 
  • 動滑輪 : 軸的位置可以移動, 不能改變力的方向, 可省力。
  • 滑輪組 : 由定滑輪和動滑輪組 裝而成,既可以省力亦可以改變用 力方向。

Know the three types of pulleys

  • Fixed pulley: The position of the shaft is fixed,
    The direction of force can be changed, but effort cannot be saved.
  • Moving pulley: The position of the shaft can be moved,
    The direction of force cannot be changed, but effort can be saved.
  • Pulley block: consists of fixed pulley and movable pulley block
    It is installed, which can not only save labor but also change the use of
    force direction.

