Handmade Cloth Therapy Doll

  • HK$1,180.00
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內含稅金。 結帳時計算運費

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Material : Cotton fiber filling

This cloth baby doll body ready to finish the way you like. This one is jointed with straight seams at the wrists, elbows, knees and ankles. Head measures approximately 15-17cm wide. This doll is designed for physical therapy, occupational therapy or energy healing. You can also use it in speech therapy, ergo exercises, child psychology, psychiatry, geriatric care and as a soft and cute play doll.

This item was handcrafted, hand-designed, or hand-altered. You can order it in different color with the picture.

me-11280  50cm Handmade Cloth Therapy Doll

me-11281  65cm Handmade Cloth Therapy Doll
