訓犬訓人Teaches the child to teach the dog

Pubblicato da 100fun Me il


編按:「100分叔叔有多次養狗的經驗,小狗可愛,善解人意,但它們又會好像小孩般,頑皮、撒嬌,我們真的要花不少心機與它們相處。100分叔叔有幸地認識到一位非常資深的犬隻訓練前輩黃經國師傅, 100分叔叔希望他用訓犬師的角度看小朋友與寵物相處之道,黃師傅一口便答應了,並主動親自撰寫,真的要說多一次多謝!」




[TRANSLATE : Uncle 100fun has a lot of experience in keeping a dog. Dogs are lovely and very understanding. But they can be like children and be naughty. We really have to spend a lot of time and effort on them. Uncle 100fun has the honour of knowing a very experienced dog trainer, Mr. Wong (黃經國師傅). Uncle 100fun asked Mr. Wong to share his thoughts as an a dog trainer on how pets and children should interact with each other. Mr. Wong kindly said yes and wrote down some very thoughtful ideas. Thanks again Mr. Wong!


In the beginning of life, man's nature is good. When human beings find a balance with nature, life becomes happy and peaceful. Most children love animals. When children play with dogs, we see a picture of natural harmony with the children's happy naivete and the dogs' adorable liveliness. Nowadays, people live in a high-density living environment and work long and stressful hours. This causes stress. Apart from providing children and teenagers with material comforts, parents can only afford limited developmental and emotional care in the form of books and television only. Children's education becomes one-way. And the role animals play in children's development is often overlooked.

Dogs live literally "a dog's life" in Hong Kong nowadays. There are uncountable unjust regulations and negative criticisms against dogs. Both legislators and critics have ignored the great contributions dogs made in human history. Dogs' ability to balance the stress caused by modern life has been neglected. Stress, over-the-top behaviours, unhealthy mental state, these are all reflections of good or bad socio-economic development.

I ask everyone to carefully observe and think about these reflections in both the home and the school. Often, at home there are heated arguments between parents and children. Education workers also encounter instances of impolite and unreasonable treatment. Sometimes situations become violent and lead to tragedies. The origin of all these aggressions may be due to young people's prolonged exposure to teachings that make them feel incapable and ignorant. Showing the right way becomes nagging to young people, teaching becomes judging, learning becomes punishment, these are all examples of young people's misguided interpretation of freedom. Why don't we find an opportunity to let young people have a taste of showing the right way, teaching, and learning, so that they will understand what it is like to be the one teaching? Dog training is a perfect way to let them get into the role of an educator, and let them experience first-hand what it is like to be in such a role. Through personal experience, young people will know what is it about right and wrong, good and bad, and what life is about. Dog training is a way to show them the role they should play in society as a learner, as a young person. It can be easily integrated into family and social life, and helps young people build a healthy, happy future.]

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