Block By Block

  • HK$215.00
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Block By Block expands your spatial problem-solving skills as you combine seven puzzle pieces to construct three-dimensional structures depicted on the 60 challenge cards. The puzzle pieces are the same as the famous Soma Cube of the 1970s. This logic game is tough – and very fun! 讓孩子利用7個不同形狀的方塊,完成60個不同圖形的拼搭。這款玩具是美國非常著名的thinkfun設計。該玩具鍛煉孩子的整體佈局能力,邏輯思維能力,提高對圖形觀察能力,合適七八歲以上對圖形有一定認識基礎的孩子們。
